Individual Therapy Consultations

with Tim Franklin

Zero Balancing

Zero Balancing is a deeply relaxing form of bodywork that can release deeply held tensions and increase your physical and energetic alignment. Sessions can allow you to drop into a meditative state and leave you feeling calm, nourished and revitalised.

A Zero Balancing session can help release emotional and physical stuckness. It can allow you to deal better with stress or challenging situations. And it can renew your sense of potential and possibility.

During the session you will lie on your back on the massage table, fully clothed. The quality of touch used in Zero Balancing is deeply respectful. It is purposefully engaging and supports you in a way that you will feel comfortable and safe. It then becomes easier to let go of habitual physical and emotional patterns.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Get the skills and support you need to help you approach challenging situations differently.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy helps you change unhelpful thought and behaviour patterns. It can be used to manage depression, anxiety and stress. It can also benefit long-term health conditions such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome.

Tim has many years of experience in working with people to increase their health and vitality. He has a down to earth, compassionate approach, giving you the confidence to make lasting changes to improve your quality of life.

Qigong Healing

Qigong Healing can transform physical, emotional and energetic patterns to give you better health and more vitality.

Using his deep understanding of qigong and the way energy flows through the body, Tim will guide you through exercises tailored for the outcomes you want. He will bring you to a relaxed, calm state of mind where your energy can flow more freely and old patterns can begin to clear. Sessions can be in person or online.

A-Way Therapy

A-Way Therapy incorporates a number of highly specialised and recognised healing approaches into an elegant, adaptable body-mind therapy. It combines Yoga Therapy, Qigong Therapy and breath work, and includes specific touch principles to engage the skeletal system, the soft tissue, and the energetic pathways and connections. By allowing your body systems to function more smoothly, you are able to access your own healing potential.

You may wish to focus on a particular physical area or an emotional issue. Or you may want increased vitality or a deeper feeling of ease. The benefits range from deep relaxation and letting go, to profound psychosomatic breakthroughs.

Consultations are online or in person.

One-to-One Consultations

Book a one-to-one consultation with Tim for:

  • Personal training and guidance
  • General advice about your practice
  • Additional help and support

Sessions can be either in person or online.

If you have an enquiry about therapy, please get in touch.

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